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  • Writer's pictureOvBA

2.6 Challenge

On 2nd May, 11 archers took part in their own 2.6 challenge; to shoot 2,600 points each. The event was held on Zoom, with each archer shooting at home, safely in garages and gardens, on adjusted target faces at distances between 7-10m. It was even streamed live on youtube: (

Shooting this many arrows in a short space of time is tiring each archer could expect to pull the equivalent of about 5 tons in weight. The target was set, and the competition was to see who could reach the target in the least number of arrows.

The challenge was in support of our chosen charity this year - Stepping Stone Down Syndrome Support Group ( who provide help to families of children and young people with down syndrome.

Amazingly, three archers completed the goal after 278 arrows, and were then pipped to the winning spot (as usual), by Richard Buckner who managed the target in 272 arrows. A special mention goes to Eric, who recently celebrated his 81 st birthday and shot a total of 459 arrows, and to Dave who show 540 arrows using his horsebow.

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