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July Round Up

Well, what a month!

Watership Down Open 2023

Our well regarded, and often challenging, field shoot took place in mainly glorious conditions, if a little blustery at times, on the 1st and 2nd of the month with 64 archers taking part, from first time field competitors to Internationals and Olympians. With more or less everyone having a thoroughly enjoyable, if not challenging time.

The ever challenging slopes and challenges of light and shade in the woods played host to 24 targets varying from 'relatively' straight forward to, shall we say, rather challenging!

Phil the Minion didn't survive unscathed this year, leaving with several holes in him, the first going to OvBAs new Chairman, but several other members and visiting archers also scored direct hits on Phil. No doubt he'll return for another fun shoot, even if he does need a little TLC after this years' event.

A big well done and thank you to all those who took part and a massive thank you to all who helped and made the event possible, especially the T.O. and Field Captain, plus Judges and all the working parties, you know who you are; Thank You!!!

SCAS Postal League

This years SCAS Postal League, where archers shoot scores at Laverstoke and then register them online, saw three medals come to OvBA members.

Richard Buckner taking the Silver in Recurve with Rob Aldridge picking up a Bronze and Gold, one medal for his individual score and the other for being part of the winning Barebow Team.

Well done gents.

Who will join them next time?

General Bits

The side safety area to the left of the range (35y to 100y) has been cut back, thanks to help from the local parish council, although some of the area to the left of the overshoot (125y to 150y) has been left uncut as some rare orchids were spotted growing in the area.

The WC seat has been been replaced and the pan itself re-fixed to the floor, so hopefully no more wobbly moments, plans are also afoot to give the smallest room in the clubhouse a fresh coat of paint, including the floor.

The benches at Laverstoke seem to have been well received and used by members, these came about in part as the Parish Council wanted rid of the plastic tables and chairs, and in part due to ideas from the committee as they knew the tables and chairs would be missed and some form of replacements would be needed.

If you have any ideas to improve things at/for the club, please let the Chairman or Committee know about them. You can either drop ideas in the Club Postbox in the inner area of the clubhouse (by the notice board) or use the facility on the Contact page of the OvBA website; to let us know what you think might make things at the club even better.

Here's hoping for some less wet weather in August.

Happy Shooting Everyone.

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