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January Update

Beginners Course

24 would be archers started our Winter 2024 Beginners Course in January, hopefully all 24 will pass the course, many will hopefully achieve their White Arrow, or Red Feather, Award and begin their archery journey with the club once the course finishes in early February.

The course is being run by Rob Aldridge with club coaches and experienced archers assisting to give our beginners an introduction to the sport we all enjoy. Fortunately for the beginners all the sessions are being held at Testbourne School in the indoor facility we use during the darker evenings of the year, so no wet weather shooting (yet) or freezing cold hands (yet) from the cold winter winds.

So, please, if you spot an archer you don't recognise shooting at Laverstoke, or Testbourne, from mid February, especially if they're using a beginners bow, or a hire bow, or look a little uncertain of what they're doing, please introduce yourself and let them know they can ask for help if they're unsure of anything.

It can be a little daunting starting a new sport and even if you're able to set up all your kit and start to shoot without help, it can take a few visits to 'find your feet' as it were, so a warm welcome from existing members will go a long way to help the beginners settle in and enjoy using the clubs' facilities, even if it takes a while for them to enjoy their shooting!

Please don't forget, we were all beginners/novices once and many of us I'm sure would all have felt better after getting a warm welcomes from the existing members and regular shooters which, hopefully, we all got when we joined OvBA.

Winter Field League

The third event in this years Winter Field League took place on the 14th of the month. A 12 target field round up and down the various slopes of the gentle slopes and relatively flat areas of The Warren, cough, cough!

With the adjusted scores in, several members got to within 3points of Richard Buckner (Recurve) who finished top of the adjusted scores alongside Rob Aldridge (Barebow) who equalled the top adjusted score. Angus Falcon Relf was the leading Traditional archer, just two points off the top of the adjusted scores.

Well done to all who took part, dry but cold conditions were an improvement over Decembers wet shoot.

January WFL Results

The fourth WFL will take place in February on Sunday the 11th. It's not too late to enter, just book your ticket here. The February WFL is a 3D round and should take place in The Woods.

The fifth and final WFL will take place in March on Sunday the 10th of March, you can book your ticket here. The final event will be a 'double header' with 12 Field Targets and 12 3D Targets.

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