At a recent international tournament at Exbury, Hampshire, Jodie Buckner came 3rd in the Junior Ladies recurve class whilst Richard Buckner came 5th in the Gentlemen’s class. The Bank holiday weekend saw the 50th All British & Open Field Archery Championship in South Wales. Club member Bill Jones competed in barebow and achieved 15th place in Great Britain. Club President, Peter Turner, was one of the judges at this year’s event. He competed in the first championships in 1968 and has been at every one since - either as an archer, judge or, on the organizing committee when the club staged the event at Kingsclere in 2012.
14th May: We held a Warwick shoot and BBQ today - the weather was kind, the burgers were many. Although not as many people turned out as the last BBQ, I think we ate more burgers! Only a few officially scored a round, scores were as follows:
Richard: 408, Jo: 364, Mark: 348, Steve: 342, Mike: 333, Alex: 318
Jodie (short Warwick): 325
6th May: Last weekend saw the first monthly Warwick - lightly attended, but rather windy, so scores a bit down on where we wanted them! Scores were as follows:
- Richard B: 388, Steve A: 345, Terry: 307, Mike B: 296, Alex: 214 - Jodie shot a Junior warwick and scored 295
252 Badges: - John Gunn acheived his 20yd 252 badge - Jane Ramsden acheived her 30yd 252 badge